


     Jade was born and raised in a small country town in North Florida where he got his start in tattooing. Coming from a creative family his artistic journey started at a young age, winning minor art contests, selling handmade comic books to classmates and as a teen made art for punk bands. At this time Jade became interested in tattoo imagery. He knew he wanted to be covered in tattoos, but not quite ready to become a tat gunslinger. In his 20s after working various entry level jobs, including bussing tables at a steakhouse 3 different times (He’s vegetarian!), he realized his only hope to be fulfilled would be to pursue a career in tattooing. After learning the ropes and honing his skills, Jade continues his journey in the town of Gainesville where He is happy to be a part of the Wunderland Tattoo crew and  hopes to share his work with you. Jade finds inspiration from the world around him, from tribal cultures, religious and occult symbolism as well as classic tattoo imagery.